2610 South Parker Rd, Aurora, CO 80014
Hooters is an international chain known for their all female wait staff. The beach themed restaurant’s motto is “delightfully tacky yet unrefined”. They have a full service bar and numerous big screen TVs, with most sporting events and UFC.
The menu consists of wings, sandwiches, burgers, soups and salads.
There are 4 other Hooters restaurants in Colorado, including Lone Tree, Westminster, Colorado Springs and Loveland.
Hooters Happy Hours: Monday-Friday 3pm-6pm
$3, $4, $5 & $6 Items
Lunch Punch Every Day 11a-3p
Double on Tuesdays!
Wingsday Every Wednesday
$14.99 All you can eat wings all 5 CO locations!
Kids Eat Free Every Saturday
with purchase of adult entree
10% Off Military Discount Every Day
Valid on food only

Reviews: Yelp
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